Page name: RELIGION people always shove it down your throat [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-03-28 03:07:43
Last author: de Morte
Owner: de Morte
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I hate how they do that!

Thats very true...





Now a wiki banner. (click to enlarge)
If you want a banner, remove the stars.

Owner: [de Morte]
Donator: [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]
Donator: [Nazarath.93]
[Shooting Star Shadow]
[Wulf Skjaldr]

This site is also linked to If we all listened to god...

Now, I've had some comments from the peanut gallery ([Nazarath.93], [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata], and even [Wulf Skjaldr]) that I may need to describe why I made this page. Well, it was intentionally made because the main picture inspired me, but I do have other reasons for making this page.

Many people have came to me in my life trying to tell me that their religion is best, that I will be blessed and will go to heaven, that my sins will be forgiven and blah blah blah...I'm sick of it! I will never believe in what they do, I never truly have.

I'm sick of being forced to go to church and forced to "pray," forced to pretend to be something I'm not.


Why Can't I Own a Canadian?
October 2002

Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by a east coast resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:

Dear Dr. Laura:

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them:

When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19- 24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?

A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?

Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?

I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? - Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.

Your devoted fan,

Web pages!

Donations of images or links to web pages are always welcome!

Username (or number or email):


2007-12-18 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Yeah, but its the feeling I'm just trying to get across. ^^

2007-12-18 [~morbid~abyss~]: lol i know and you phrased it so well :P

2007-12-18 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Aww, thanks. ^^

2007-12-18 [~morbid~abyss~]: lmao no worries =^_^=

2007-12-19 [Shooting Star Shadow]: 3 cheers for ocular penetration

2007-12-20 [~morbid~abyss~]: rofl!

2007-12-21 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -hangs banners-

2007-12-21 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I want ocular penatration banners.

2007-12-22 [Shooting Star Shadow]: then make em lol

2007-12-24 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I'm laz... Ehh.. It seems like fun.. Mighttake a bit, I only have paint and I'm really not close to being an artist.

2007-12-24 [Shooting Star Shadow]: lol no one said it had to be prettiful

2007-12-24 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Hehe. ^^

2007-12-26 [Shooting Star Shadow]: it is after all ocular penetration <.< what part of that is prettiful lol

2007-12-26 [de Morte]: !>.>...

2007-12-29 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: <img:>

Could use some work... =/

But good for paint. XD

2007-12-29 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -falls over laughing- it's perfect lol

2007-12-29 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Hahaha, feel free to use it if you feel like it...
<*IMG.*> ^^

2007-12-29 [de Morte]: Woot

2007-12-30 [Shooting Star Shadow]: awesome ^_^

2008-01-05 [~morbid~abyss~]: Rofl!! well done

2008-01-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -raises a fist and screams penis-

2008-01-08 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I'll check that when I get home from school.

2008-01-09 [de Morte]: Hehehe!!!

2008-01-09 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I forgot.

2008-01-10 [Shooting Star Shadow]: thank you for the nightmareish image

2008-01-10 [de Morte]: XD!!!

2008-01-10 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Damn, I wanna know! ><

2008-01-11 [de Morte]: Look damn it...

2008-01-11 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Okies!.. III'm home!....... -.- Thanks for that Addy.. (he's small XD).. And what was that?

2008-01-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: lmfao and yea he is

2008-01-13 [de Morte]: Its a rod... the site I got the pic from I out on my new wiki BDSM is life

2008-01-14 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Alright... Well, I don't really see that as a turn on, and apparently he didn't either...

2008-01-15 [Eloura]: *appears quietly*

2008-01-16 [de Morte]: Hello there!

2008-01-16 [Eloura]: Hello. *smiles and quietly waves*

2008-01-16 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -pounces on Eloura- you goober nut

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: Epp! Hi! *ish pounced* Hi hun! plus I ishn't a goober nut.. Lol

2008-01-19 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -hugs and kisses your forehead- hey sweetie ^_^ and you are so a goober nut

2008-01-19 [Eloura]: *hugs back* AM NOT! *laughs* ^^"

2008-01-19 [Shooting Star Shadow]: lol am so!!

2008-01-19 [Eloura]: Lol, AM NOT!!!! *giggles*

2008-01-22 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Awwwwww, thats adorable.

2008-01-22 [Eloura]: *twitches then hides muttering* Is not..

2008-01-22 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Hahaha. XP

2008-01-22 [Eloura]: *giggles and shivers* So cold but burning up.. >.>

2008-01-22 [de Morte]: Awww...

2008-01-26 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -hugs Eloura close- you are so, and you sick sweetie?

2008-01-26 [Eloura]: *smiles* Thank you hunny, I'm feeling a lot better than i did at the time *nods then say's* By the way, AM Not!

2008-01-28 [Shooting Star Shadow]: you are so! -hugs her tight- glad you're feelin' better sweetie and YOU ARE SO!!

2008-01-28 [Eloura]: I am not ^^' *hugs you tight back* Feelin better for now, just till tomorrow. AM NOT!!!

2008-01-29 [Shooting Star Shadow]: ARE SO!!! damn it I'm the all knowing emo god and there for I know that you are ^-^

2008-01-29 [Eloura]: ARE NOT!! *raises eyebrow* The all knowing emo god? Ohhh really now? *tilts head* Couldn't tell :::^.^:::

2008-01-30 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -bites your shoulder lightly- be nice lol ^^ just cause I've got my emo moments don't mean it's bad

2008-01-30 [Eloura]: *whimpers softly* I am being nice I was just playing, there's nothing wrong with emo moments. We ALL have them, if not we have no emotions. And without emotions we are not really human... ^.^ *smiles and say's* See I know's something

2008-02-01 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yay you know something ^_^

2008-02-01 [Eloura]: Hey! I know a lot of things ^.^

2008-02-03 [Shooting Star Shadow]: lol good ^_^

2008-02-03 [Eloura]: *smirks* Very!!!! *mrrs* Chi!

2008-02-03 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -hugs- Chi Chi!!

2008-02-03 [Eloura]: *huggles back* CHIMESSES!!!!!! *purrs* Mrrow I ish happy LOL

2008-02-04 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -pounces and tackles Eloura-

2008-02-05 [Eloura]: *epps and stares up at you* Hiya!

2008-02-08 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -snuggles with your stomach- how you handling babe?

2008-02-08 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Thought this was interesting...


Sorry for the interruption.

2008-02-08 [de Morte]: Oh wow! Where did you find that???

2008-02-08 [Eloura]: Easy on the stomak hunny, and i'm not sure, I guess I'm handiling as best to be expected from me and Nice pic. *nod* I agree where did you find it?

2008-02-09 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Google, don't remember the sight. =/

2008-02-09 [de Morte]: damn...

2008-02-12 [Shooting Star Shadow]: lol brutal and sexy mate, :P -hugs his darlin' close-

2008-02-12 [Eloura]: *sits from a couch watching them*

2008-02-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: you're one of them <.< -tackles you-

2008-02-13 [Eloura]: *squeeks* epp! I didnt know that ^^'

2008-02-14 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -hugs you close and laughs- silly arse

2008-02-15 [Eloura]: *huggles you back and shrugs* Ehhh You could say that ^^'

2008-02-21 [Shooting Star Shadow]: lol I just had :P

2008-02-22 [Eloura]: *laughs nd say's* i was being myself so nhhh *stick tounge out and say's* So how are you?

2008-02-25 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -hugs- I'm ok just bored and tired

2008-02-25 [Eloura]: *hugs back and say'* Sound familur

2008-02-25 [de Morte]: la de dad de dah....

2008-02-25 [Eloura]: hey de morte

2008-02-25 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Erro, hows was teh week?

2008-02-25 [Eloura]: *tilts head* Hmm?

2008-02-25 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Teh week. how's it been?

2008-02-25 [Eloura]: It's been better.. You?

2008-02-25 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: School.

2008-02-25 [Eloura]: Ehh that explains it all

2008-02-25 [Shooting Star Shadow]: school is fun -hides the noose-

2008-02-26 [de Morte]: depressing and disappointing

2008-02-26 [Eloura]: *searches for noose curiously* Yea just perfect isn't it..

2008-02-26 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Yeeeah.

2008-02-28 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -ties Eloura's hand to the bed post- it's fun

2008-02-28 [Eloura]: *squeeks* HEY! What's that for *pouts and giggles*

2008-02-28 [de Morte]: O.o join BDSM is life
we have a playroom for this stuff! ^^;

2008-02-28 [Eloura]: *blushes and say's* Really? *hallf giggles*

2008-02-28 [de Morte]: Yup! main page is discussion and learning and playroom is well, a playroom...

2008-02-28 [Eloura]: Ok ^^' I may check it out *smiles*

2008-02-28 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -looks at de Morte, then goes back to tieing Eloura to the bed-

2008-02-28 [Eloura]: *raises eyebrow at you* Ohh really now? *snicker being in reallly kinky mood which isn't good right now*

2008-02-29 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -sits on Eloura's waist and stares around- hmmm where did it go

2008-02-29 [Eloura]: Where'd what go?!!! *raises eyebrow again* Ermm hiya!

2008-03-05 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -pulls out a random feather and smiles- found it ^_^

2008-03-06 [Eloura]: *squeeks* Damn It!!! I thought i hid the feather good this time Errrmm Didn't I?

2008-03-11 [Shooting Star Shadow]: lol nope I found it

2008-03-11 [Eloura]: I really gotta learn to hide those feathers better >.>

2008-03-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: lol I collect feathers so it'd never happen ^_^

2008-03-13 [Eloura]: *laughs* That's right! I can't believe i forgot that o.O Why did i forget the feathers you threatened me with you collection one time ^^'

2008-03-14 [Shooting Star Shadow]: lmfao cause I'm easily forgettable

2008-03-15 [Eloura]: No it's not because your forgetable, because your NOT forgetable!!!! *twitches nose trying to give you a huge hug*

2008-03-20 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -hugs you tight and smiles- I"m always forgettable

2008-03-20 [Eloura]: *smiles* But your not forgettable. I still talk about you down here! *giggles and say's* Did you loose the feather again?!!

2008-03-21 [Shooting Star Shadow]: nope got a cute orangeish feather ^_^ but not gonna use it, and what'd you still talk about sweetie?

2008-03-21 [Eloura]: How cool you are, and nice. *smiles* YAY!!! No usey the feather!!! *grins*

2008-03-21 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -hugs- I'm not cool, I'm ice cold and not nice >.< eeek

2008-03-21 [Eloura]: *twitches nose unable to hug back and say's* You are to cool!!! Icey cool!!! And your nice to me so *sticks tounge out* HA!

2008-03-22 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -kisses your nose- thats cause your awesome -unties your arms and sits up-

2008-03-22 [Eloura]: *gigles and say's* me? Naa ^^' *pokes you and say's* Though you are *smiles*

2008-03-23 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yes you silly -pokes your nose-

2008-03-23 [Eloura]: *rubs it and rolls eyes* Sure *laughs* So what have you been up to?

2008-03-23 [Shooting Star Shadow]: not a lot just been bored ^_^

2008-03-24 [Eloura]: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I sorries *giggles and hugs*

2008-03-24 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -hugs and pokes your butt-

2008-03-24 [Eloura]: *raises eyebrow* But that's by butt! *huggles back*

2008-03-24 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -shrugs and pokes it again- butts are squishy

2008-03-24 [Eloura]: *raises eyebrow and laughs* Maybe, but my butt's odd lol! *nips and giggles*

2008-03-24 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -pokes your nose- mine is non existant, I have no butt v.v

2008-03-24 [Eloura]: *twitches nose and say's* Lucky

2008-03-24 [Shooting Star Shadow]: not lucky, I want too have a butt, makes guys look more, then again my ug mug can't get much in terms of looks

2008-03-25 [Eloura]: *raises eyebrow* your mug ain't ug hun, just have to be more *thinks for right word* Out going, or atleast more than you used to *stick tounge out* Cheer up!

2008-03-25 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -bites your tongue and smiles- I'm not that bad hun

2008-03-26 [Eloura]: Uhhhh! *bites sholder* YAY!!! YOUR NOT!!! *smiles and offers you brownies*

2008-03-26 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -nibbles on the brownie and smiles- tanke ye ^_^

2008-03-28 [Eloura]: Your welcome!!!! *smiles*

2008-03-29 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yay ^_^

2008-03-29 [Eloura]: *smiles* Soo now that we've chased everyone away... >.> Lol Hmm where did they go though O.o

2008-03-29 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I've been here.. Just giving you two your space.. But now that you say something, I feel I should let you know where I've been. XP

2008-03-29 [Eloura]: Ahh Ok, you could have commented at anytime hun! I swear i don't bite, or well hard. *smiles* :P

2008-03-29 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I figured.. But I also didn't have much to say.

2008-03-29 [Eloura]: Ahhh ok *smiles* Understandable!

2008-03-30 [Shooting Star Shadow]: I bite plenty hard a thank you ^_^ just too only certain people

2008-03-30 [Eloura]: *laughs* Ummm hmmm might be more than sweet innocent little ol me needs to know *gris and sticks tounge out*

2008-05-02 [Eyonic]: hmmm, interesting wiki...

2008-05-02 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Yes it is! ^^

2008-05-02 [de Morte]: ^^

2008-05-02 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -bites Eloura then pounces off merrily-

2008-05-03 [Eloura]: HEY!!!!!! *chases shadow* I'ma gonna get you!!!

2008-05-03 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Awwww, how cute. XP

2008-05-03 [Eloura]: IS NOT!!!!! *giggles and bounces around hyped up on no sleep* Lol Never cute >.< Nothing's cute with me involved!

2008-05-03 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Adorable then?...

2008-05-03 [de Morte]: Hehe!

2008-05-03 [Eloura]: *laughs and shakes head* Nothing in that catagories me buuuttt maybe shadow!

2008-05-03 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -tackles Eloura- I've got you instead and damn it you are cute and adorable

2008-05-05 [Eloura]: *squeeks and say's* What do you mean you have me instead, and damnit NO I'M NOT!!!! *giggles*

2008-05-05 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -pins you down and licks your forehead- yes, I've got you instead and bloody freaking hell you are so cute and adorable, so shut it and take the compliment or else!

2008-05-06 [Eloura]: *tries to wipe head on you and laughs* You silly *tilts head now serious but a smiles there* Or else what *sticks tounge out at you* HuH! What are you gonna do to me :P I'm innocent sweet and not cute and adorable!!!!! *giggles and plays innocent card*

2008-05-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -grabs a feather and stares at you- you've got to ask or else huh -smiles and goes about tieing you down-

2008-05-09 [Eloura]: *squeeks loudly and tries to wiggle Away* I swear I swear I'm not cute *whimpers*

2008-05-09 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -runs the feather along your stomach- you best be swearing that you are cute or else the feather -giggles-

2008-05-09 [Eloura]: *wiggles a bit more already laughing* BUT I WOULD BE LIEING!!!

2008-05-12 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -kisses your forehead and smiles- sometimes a little lie is a good thing

2008-05-13 [Eloura]: *smiles* Are you sure *says with a sweet tone to voice that could mean trouble or sheer curosity* I don't wanna lie and get in more trouble (lol sorry hard to explain being like this but ^^' just call it not being awake *whistles innocently*)

2008-05-15 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -hugs Eloura tight with a smile-

2008-05-15 [Eloura]: *ish huggled and smiles*

2008-05-16 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -dances and sits on Eloura's lap-

2008-05-16 [Eloura]: Hey!!! Very few peoples get to sit there, yes you are one of them, but i atleast get to give them a hug!!! (my "sissy" from school does that lol ^^')

2008-05-16 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -smiles and hugs you close- I don't mind hugs at all ^_^

2008-05-17 [Eloura]: *ish huggled* Yay's!!! *smiles* I love hugs they makes me feel all warm and happy and and non homicidal! *laughs softly* Long story hun

2008-05-18 [Shooting Star Shadow]: somethin' tells me I don't want to know but yay for non homicidial

2008-05-18 [Eloura]: *giggles* Trust me you don't *whistles innocently*

2008-05-19 [Shooting Star Shadow]: eh why not, what's up with the story?

2008-05-19 [Eloura]: it's more the reason why ^^' *giggles* Lol

2008-05-21 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -rolls eyes and smiles-

2008-05-24 [Eloura]: *laughs and is slightly swears only slightly hyper* thehe! I can't wait!!!

2008-06-05 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -pounces and dances-

2008-06-05 [Eloura]: *giggles and squeeks bouncing to the side and smiles*

2008-06-05 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -brings you down with the pounce and smiles-

2008-06-06 [Eloura]: *epss and giggles* I hve been caught!

2008-06-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -puts you in a cage and hands you froma tree branche- mmmm

2008-06-08 [de Morte]: I would rather not say this, but could you please move to another wiki?

2008-06-08 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -shrugs- wiki's dying as is anyways -drags the cage away-

2008-06-09 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: It's an informative wiki, and the only reason I stopped talking is because I don't want to 'interrupt'

2008-06-10 [de Morte]: I think that happened to too many people.
This wiki is pretty much to show my opinion and views about some religions, and I update it when I find something interesting that I would like to share.
There are plenty of other wiki's out there for that sort of behavior, but this isn't one of them
I'm not kicking you out, but I would like that conversation moved elsewhere.

2008-08-06 [HardRockAngel]: <img:>
great xD
I would put this up in my house, if it wasn't from the hate-mail that would follow then =/

2008-08-06 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: It's you're own choice, if people want to judge you, it's there problem.

2008-08-06 [Shooting Star Shadow]: thats why they invented the block button if they give you hell

2008-08-06 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Exactly! ^^

2008-08-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: plenty of pricks on my block list for being asses

2008-08-08 [de Morte]: I love that button!

2008-08-08 [Shooting Star Shadow]: it's bloody awesome ^^

2008-09-13 [HardRockAngel]: Yes the button is great, but I tend to be someone who wants to make friends, not enemies =3

2008-09-18 [Cyrano meets Merso]: You guys say that religious people show stuff down throats? Well this is kinda the same...
Loved the leather...but your enemy isn't the religion, its the people who mallpractice it(one day Ill have to learn how to spell that).Now go ahead and have fun with the block button::)

2008-09-18 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: If you've read the previous comments, you'll realize this conversation has been had, the wiki was made due too the first picture, and it's about people, not the religions themselves.

2008-09-18 [Cyrano meets Merso]: true true...woow, look really,still the stickers don't seem to be...and I guess I dont have to mention the insulting parts do I::)
Anywho, have fun::)

2008-09-18 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: We don't like ignorance. XP

2008-09-19 [Cyrano meets Merso]: I won't comment anymore, since it would probably turn out in a really boring debate or even a as I said,have funn

2008-09-19 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I try and avoid conflict, what's the point of them anyways, And debates get boring, so do what you want cause' a pirate is free, and you are a pirate! Haha, good song. XP

2008-09-20 [Cyrano meets Merso]: lol::)
Yar, it be pirate talkin' dee all redey?naah...I just cant do it::)

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